Preprocess API ================================= IMPROVE general preprocess parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *log_level* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "DEBUG" | **Help:** Set log levels. Default is WARNING. Levels are: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, NOTSET. *input_dir* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "./" | **Help:** Base directory for input data. All additional input pathes will be relative to the base input directory. *output_dir* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "./" | **Help:** Base directory for output data. All additional relative output pathes will be placed into the base output directory. *config_file* | **Type:** str | **Default:** None | **Help:** Config file in INI format. *param_log_file* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "param_log_file.txt" | **Help:** Log of final parameters used for run. Saved in output_dir if file name, can be an absolute path. *data_format* | **Type:** str | **Default:** ".parquet" | **Help:** File format to save the ML data file (e.g., '.pt', '.tfrecords'). *input_supp_data_dir* | **Type:** str | **Default:** None | **Help:** Dir containing supplementary data in addition to benchmark data (usually model-specific data). *x_data_dir* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "x_data" | **Help:** Dir name that contains the files with features data (x data). *y_data_dir* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "y_data" | **Help:** Dir name that contains the files with target data (y data). *splits_dir* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "splits" | **Help:** Dir name that contains files that store split ids of the y data file. *train_split_file* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "fake" | **Help:** The path to the file that contains the train split ids (e.g., 'split_0_train_id', 'split_0_train_size_1024'). *val_split_file* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "fake" | **Help:** The path to the file that contains the val split ids (e.g., 'split_0_val_id'). *test_split_file* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "fake" | **Help:** The path to the file that contains the test split ids (e.g., 'split_0_test_id'). Drug Response Prediction preprocess parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *y_data_files* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "fake" | **Help:** List of files that contain the y (prediction variable) data. Example: [['response.tsv']]. *x_data_canc_files* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "fake" | **Help:** List of feature files including gene_system_identifer. Example: [['cancer_gene_expression.tsv', ['Gene_Symbol']]]. *x_data_drug_files* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "fake" | **Help:** List of feature files. Example: [['drug_SMILES.tsv']]. *canc_col_name* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "improve_sample_id" | **Help:** Column name in the y (response) data file that contains the cancer sample ids. *drug_col_name* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "improve_chem_id" | **Help:** Column name in the y (response) data file that contains the drug ids. *y_col_name* | **Type:** str | **Default:** "auc" | **Help:** Column name in the y data file (e.g., response.tsv), that represents the target variable that the model predicts.