Download Files Template ================================ All models should have :code:`` and :code:`` present in the repository. If your model uses supplemental data, this should also be downloaded via shell script and included in :code:`` (see below). Template for :code:`` ------------------------------------ .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash --login # Navigate to the dir with the cloned model repo # Run it like this: source ./ # set -e # Get current dir and model dir model_path=$PWD echo "Model path: $model_path" model_name=$(echo "$model_path" | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}') echo "Model name: $model_name" # Download data (if needed) data_dir="csa_data" if [ ! -d $PWD/$data_dir/ ]; then echo "Download CSA data" source else echo "CSA data folder already exists" fi # # Download author data (if needed) - PathDSP specific # author_dir="author_data" # if [ ! -d $PWD/$author_dir/ ]; then # echo "Download author data" # mkdir author_data # source author_data/ # else # echo "Author data folder already exists" # fi # Env var IMPROVE_DATA_DIR export IMPROVE_DATA_DIR="./$data_dir/" # Env var AUTHOR_DATA_DIR - PathDSP specific export AUTHOR_DATA_DIR="./$author_dir/" # Clone IMPROVE lib (if needed) and checkout the branch/tag cd ../ improve_lib_path=$PWD/IMPROVE # improve_branch="develop" improve_branch="v0.1.0-2024-09-27" if [ -d $improve_lib_path ]; then echo "IMPROVE repo exists in ${improve_lib_path}" else git clone fi cd IMPROVE git checkout -f $improve_branch cd ../$model_name # Env var PYTHOPATH export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$improve_lib_path echo echo "IMPROVE_DATA_DIR: $IMPROVE_DATA_DIR" echo "AUTHOR_DATA_DIR: $AUTHOR_DATA_DIR" echo "PYTHONPATH: $PYTHONPATH" Template for :code:`` ------------------------------------ This should not require any changes and can be used as is. .. code-block:: bash wget --cut-dirs=8 -P ./ -nH -np -m Template for supplemental data download -------------------------------------------- This should be used only if required by your model. Modify as appropriate for your model. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash # arg 1: output directory to download model-specific data OUTPUT_DIR=$1 # Check if the data is already downloaded if [ -f "$OUTPUT_DIR/.downloaded" ]; then echo "Data present, skipping download" # Download data if no other download is in progress elif [ ! -f "$OUTPUT_DIR/.downloading_author_data" ]; then touch "$OUTPUT_DIR/.downloading_author_data" # Download files # Unzip files (if needed) wget -P $OUTPUT_DIR unzip -d $OUTPUT_DIR $OUTPUT_DIR/.zip touch "$OUTPUT_DIR/.downloaded" rm "$OUTPUT_DIR/.downloading_author_data" else # Wait for other download to finish iteration=0 echo "Waiting for external download" while [ -f "$OUTPUT_DIR/.downloading_author_data" ]; do iteration=$((iteration + 1)) if [ "$iteration" -gt 10 ]; then # Download takes too long, exit and warn user echo "Check output directory, download still in progress after $iteration minutes." exit 1 fi sleep 60 done fi Also uncomment and modify this section in :code:``: .. code-block:: bash # Download author data (if needed) - PathDSP specific author_dir="author_data" if [ ! -d $PWD/$author_dir/ ]; then echo "Download author data" mkdir author_data source author_data/ else echo "Author data folder already exists" fi