Post-processing results from cross-study analysis (CSA) ================================================================ This README provides an overview of the post-processing pipeline designed for analyzing and evaluating Cross-Study Analysis (CSA) results. The pipeline generates metrics, visualizations, and summaries, comparing model predictions to ground truth values of test sets. This post-processing offers a comprehensive evaluation of model prediction performance within and across datasets. Installation -------------------- See :doc:`INSTALLATION`. Usage -------------------- CSA experiment results are often stored in a model directory (e.g., `LGBM/run.csa.small`). Note that CSA post-processing only requires the raw prediction results obtained via inference runs. You can launch post-processing pipeline as follows: .. code-block:: bash MODEL_DIR=LGBM CSA_EXPERIMENT_DIR=run.csa.small python --res_dir ${MODEL_DIR}/${CSA_EXPERIMENT_DIR} --model_name ${MODEL_DIR} --y_col_name auc Example Usage -------------------- In this example, we demontrate how launch the post-processing pipeline with the example data provided in [./LGBM/run.csa.small](./LGBM/run.csa.small). 1. Clone IMPROVE repo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Clone the `IMPROVE` repository to a directory of your preference. .. code-block:: bash git clone cd IMPROVE git checkout develop 2. Set PYTHONPATH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Assuming you are currently inside IMPROVE directory, run the following. This adds IMPROVE repo to `PYTHONPATH`. .. code-block:: bash source 3. Run post-processing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Assuming the CSA results are located in `IMPROVE/workflows/utils/csa/LGBM/run.csa.small`, run the post-processing script: .. code-block:: bash python workflows/utils/csa/ --res_dir workflows/utils/csa/${MODEL_DIR}/${CSA_EXPERIMENT_DIR} --model_name ${MODEL_DIR} --y_col_name auc Argument Definitions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - :code:`res_dir (required)`: Path to the directory containing the results. This should include the predicted and ground truth values. An example is provided in [./LGBM/run.csa.small](./LGBM/run.csa.small). - :code:`model_name (required)`: Name of the prediction model (e.g., GraphDRP, DeepCDR). This name will be used in the output summaries and visualizations. - :code:`y_col_name (optional)`: Name of the column representing the target variable that the model predicts. The default is 'auc' ('auc' represents the area under the dose response curve of a drug viability experiment). - :code:`outdir (optional)`: Directory to save the post-processing results, including metrics, summaries, and visualizations. If not specified, results will be saved in the current directory ('./'). Output Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This pipeline generates in the specified output directory (:code:`outdir`): #. *all_scores.csv*: Contains detailed performance metrics (e.g., mse, rmse, pcc, scc, r2) for each study comparison. * `met`: The prediction performance metric name (e.g., r2). * `split`: Intigers indicating the data splits (e.g., 0, 1, etc.). * `value`: The calculated metric value for that split. * `src` and `trg`: The source and target dataset names (e.g., CCLE, GDSCv2, gCSI), indicating comparisons within or across datasets. #. *densed_csa_table.csv*: This file provides a summary of the mean and standard deviation for each metric, categorized into `within` and `cross` analyses. The `within` summary statistic is calculated as the mean of values along the diagonal of the CSA results table, representing performance within the same dataset. The `cross` summary statistic, on the other hand, is calculated as the mean of values on the off-diagonal, capturing performance across different datasets. * `met`: The metric name. * `mean`: The mean value of the metric for within-dataset or cross-dataset. * `std`: The standard deviation of the metric, representing variability across studies. * `summary`: Either "within" (comparisons within the same dataset) or "cross" (comparisons across different datasets). #. *_scores.csv*: Files containing detailed prediction performance scores for each metric for different datasets. #. *_mean_csa_table.csv*: Files containing the mean of prediction performance scores for a specific metric across all studies. #. *_std_csa_table.csv*: Files containing the standard deviation of prediction performance scores for a specific metric across all studies.