Postprocessing of Learning Curve Analysis (LCA) ====================================================== This script produces aggregated LCA scores, run times, and plots LCA mean absolute error curves when given the output directory from any of the IMPROVE LCA workflows (bruteforce, swarm). Requirements --------------- * :doc:`IMPROVE general environment ` * seaborn (for plotting only) * matplotlib (for plotting only) * a directory containing LCA output Installation and Setup ----------------------- Create the IMPROVE general environment: .. code-block:: bash conda create -n IMPROVE python=3.6 conda activate IMPROVE pip install improvelib If you wish to use the included plotting functionality, install seaborn and matplotlib: .. code-block:: bash conda install seaborn matplotlib Parameter Configuration ------------------------ This workflow uses command line parameters. The first (positional) parameter (:code:`runtimes`, :code:`lca_scores`, :code:`plot_learning_curve`, or :code:`whole_analysis`) specifies the analysis to run. Other optional parameters are as follows: * :code:`--input_dir`: Path to the LCA results (default: :code:`'./'`). * :code:`--output_dir`: Path to the directory where the postprocessing will be saved (default: :code:`'./'`). * :code:`--y_col_name`: The y_col_name in :code:`test_y_data_predicted.csv` (default: :code:`'auc'`). * :code:`--metric_type`: Metric type to use (default: :code:`'regression'`). * :code:`--model_name`: Name of the model, if you would like it saved in the file name / data / title of the plot (default: :code:`None`). * :code:`--dataset`: Name of the dataset, if you would like it saved in the file name / data / title of the plot (default: :code:`None`). Usage --------- To generate run-time analysis: .. code-block:: bash python runtimes This will output a table :code:`runtimes.csv` in the specified :code:`output_dir`. To generate aggregate scores: .. code-block:: bash python lca_scores This will output a table :code:`all_scores.csv` in the specified :code:`output_dir`. To generate learning curve plot: .. code-block:: bash python plot_learning_curve This will use :code:`all_scores.csv` the specified :code:`output_dir` and output a plot :code:`fig.png` in the specified :code:`output_dir`. To run all analyses: .. code-block:: bash python whole_analysis This will run the run-time analysis, aggregate scores, and plot the learning curve. Output --------- The processed results will be in :code:`output_dir` as follows: .. code-block:: bash output_dir/ ├── __all_scores.csv ├── __fig.png └── __runtimes.csv