Hyper Parameter Optimization (HPO)


The following are the requirements as a model curator for others to run HPO on your model.

IMPROVE MODEL (Defined for Containerization)

Your model must be IMPROVE compliant, reading arguments from a ‘.txt’ file and overwriting with command-line arguments. Your model must also be defined in a ‘def’ file for singularity containerization. Default definition files can be found in the IMPROVE Singularity repository. The container should expose the following interface scripts:

  • preprocess.sh

  • train.sh

  • infer.sh

To test your scripts with containerization, it’s recommended you build a container and run the following commands (customized with your arguments):

singularity exec --bind $IMPROVE_DATA_DIR:/IMPROVE_DATA_DIR <path_to_sif_file>.sif preprocess.sh /IMPROVE_DATA_DIR \
--train_split_file <dataset>_split_0_train.txt --val_split_file <dataset>_split_0_val.txt \
--ml_data_outdir /IMPROVE_DATA_DIR/<desired_outdir>
singularity exec --nv --bind $IMPROVE_DATA_DIR:/IMPROVE_DATA_DIR <path_to_sif_file>.sif train.sh <gpu_num> /IMPROVE_DATA_DIR \
--train_ml_data_dir <path> --val_ml_data_dir <dir> --model_outdir <path> --test_ml_data_dir <path>


You will also need to define the hyperparameter space, which will override the arguments in the .txt file. For this reason, any pathing arguments needed for your train script will also need to be defined as ‘constant’ hyperparameters in the space (such as train_ml_data_dir below).

At a high level, the upper and lower describe the bounds of the hyperparameter. Hyperparameters of float, int, ordered, categorical, and constant types are supported, with ordered and categorical hyperparameters supporting float, int, and string types. Log scale exploration is also supported for float and int hyperparameter types.

More specifically, the hyperparameter configuration file has a json format consisting of a list of json dictionaries, each one of which defines a hyperparameter and how it is explored:

Universal Keys

  • name: the name of the hyperparameter (e.g. _epochs_)

  • type: determines how the initial population (i.e. the hyperparameter sets) are initialized from the named parameter and how those values are subsequently mutated by the GA. Type is one of constant, int, float, logical, categorical, or ordered. - constant:

    • each model is initialized with the same specifed value

    • mutation always returns the same specified value

    • int: - each model is initialized with an int randomly drawn from the range defined by lower and upper bounds - mutation is peformed by adding the results of a random draw from

      a gaussian distribution to the current value, where the gaussian distribution’s mu is 0 and its sigma is specified by the sigma entry.

    • float: - each model is initialized with a float randomly drawn from the range defined by lower and upper bounds - mutation is peformed by adding the results of a random draw from

      a gaussian distribution to the current value, where the gaussian distribution’s mu is 0 and its sigma is specified by the sigma entry.

    • logical: - each model is initialized with a random boolean. - mutation flips the logical value

    • categorical: - each model is initialized with an element chosen at random from the list of elements in values. - mutation chooses an element from the values list at random

    • ordered: - each model is inititalized with an element chosen at random from the list of elements in values. - given the index of the current value in the list of values, mutation selects the element _n_ number of indices away, where n is the result of a random draw between 1 and sigma and then is negated with a 0.5 probability.

Type Specific Keys


The following keys are required depending on value of the type key.

If the type is constant:

  • value: the constant value

If the type is int, or float:

  • lower: the lower bound of the range to draw from

  • upper: the upper bound of the range to draw from

If the type is categorical:

  • values: the list of elements to choose from

  • element_type: the type of the elements to choose from. One of int, float, string, or logical

If the type is ordered:

  • values: the list of elements to choose from

  • element_type: the type of the elements to choose from. One of int, float, string, or logical


The following keys are optional depending on value of the type key.

If the type is constant or float:

  • use_log_scale: whether to apply mutation on log_10 of the hyperparameter or not

  • sigma: the sigma value used by the mutation operator. Roughly, it controls the size of mutations (see above).

If the type is ordered:

  • sigma: the sigma value used by the mutation operator. Roughly, it controls the size of mutations (see above).

Example File

A sample hyperparameter definition file:


    "name": "train_ml_data_dir",
    "type": "constant",
    "value": "<train_data_dir>"
    "name": "val_ml_data_dir",
    "type": "constant",
    "value": "<val_data_dir>"
    "name": "model_outdir",
    "type": "constant",
    "value": "<desired_outdir>"

    "name": "learning_rate",
    "type": "float",
    "use_log_scale": true,
    "lower": 0.000001,
    "upper": 0.0001,
    "sigma": 0.1
    "name": "num_layers",
    "type": "int",
    "lower": 1,
    "upper": 9
    "name": "batch_size",
    "type": "ordered",
    "element_type": "int",
    "values": [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512],
    "sigma": 1
    "name": "warmup_type",
    "type": "ordered",
    "element_type": "string",
    "values": ["none", "linear", "quadratic", "exponential"]
    "name": "optimizer",
    "type": "categorical",
    "element_type": "string",
    "values": [

    "name": "epochs",
    "type": "constant",
    "value": 150


Note that any other keys are ignored by the workflow but can be used to add additional information about the hyperparameter. For example, the sample files could contain a comment entry that contains additional information about that hyperparameter and its use.