Setting Parameters

A default configuration file is provided for every model and overrides the default value provided by improvelib. Parameters can be changed via alternate config file or by command line. Parameters provided by command line have the highest priority and override parameters set by the configuration file.

Writing a config file

Each config file has three sections, [Preprocess], [Train], and [Infer]. Each section is used independently for the relevant scripts and therefore parameters that are used in more than one script should be set in each relevant section.

Example config file (GraphDRP):

train_split_file = CCLE_split_0_train.txt
val_split_file = CCLE_split_0_val.txt
test_split_file = CCLE_split_0_test.txt
data_format = .pt
y_data_files = [["response.tsv"]]
x_data_canc_files = [["cancer_gene_expression.tsv", ["Gene_Symbol"]]]
x_data_drug_files = [["drug_SMILES.tsv"]]
use_lincs = True
scaling = std

data_format = .pt
model_file_name = model
model_file_format = .pt
epochs = 150
batch_size = 256
val_batch = 256
learning_rate = 0.0001
loss = mse
early_stop_metric = mse
patience = 20
ckpt_save_interval = 5
model_arch = GINConvNet
log_interval = 30
cuda_name = cuda:7

data_format = .pt
model_file_name = model
model_file_format = .pt
infer_batch = 256
cuda_name = cuda:7

Using an alternate config file

To use an alternate config file, specify the name of the config file on the command line like so:

python --config_file my_alternate_config.ini

Setting parameters by command line

All parameters can be set by command line, which will override the same parameter set by the config, or default value if the value is not set by the config file. For example, we can specific a different output directory and number of epochs like so:

python --output_dir /path/to/my/different/outdir --epochs 100