Post-processing results from cross-study analysis (CSA)
This README provides an overview of the post-processing pipeline designed for analyzing and evaluating Cross-Study Analysis (CSA) results. The pipeline generates metrics, visualizations, and summaries, comparing model predictions to ground truth values of test sets. This post-processing offers a comprehensive evaluation of model prediction performance within and across datasets.
See Installation.
CSA experiment results are often stored in a model directory (e.g., LGBM/run.csa.small). Note that CSA post-processing only requires the raw prediction results obtained via inference runs. You can launch post-processing pipeline as follows:
python --res_dir ${MODEL_DIR}/${CSA_EXPERIMENT_DIR} --model_name ${MODEL_DIR} --y_col_name auc
Example Usage
In this example, we demontrate how launch the post-processing pipeline with the example data provided in [./LGBM/run.csa.small](./LGBM/run.csa.small).
1. Clone IMPROVE repo
Clone the IMPROVE repository to a directory of your preference.
git clone
git checkout develop
Assuming you are currently inside IMPROVE directory, run the following. This adds IMPROVE repo to PYTHONPATH.
3. Run post-processing
Assuming the CSA results are located in IMPROVE/workflows/utils/csa/LGBM/run.csa.small, run the post-processing script:
python workflows/utils/csa/ --res_dir workflows/utils/csa/${MODEL_DIR}/${CSA_EXPERIMENT_DIR} --model_name ${MODEL_DIR} --y_col_name auc
Argument Definitions
res_dir (required)
: Path to the directory containing the results. This should include the predicted and ground truth values. An example is provided in [./LGBM/run.csa.small](./LGBM/run.csa.small).model_name (required)
: Name of the prediction model (e.g., GraphDRP, DeepCDR). This name will be used in the output summaries and visualizations.y_col_name (optional)
: Name of the column representing the target variable that the model predicts. The default is ‘auc’ (‘auc’ represents the area under the dose response curve of a drug viability experiment).outdir (optional)
: Directory to save the post-processing results, including metrics, summaries, and visualizations. If not specified, results will be saved in the current directory (‘./’).
Output Files
This pipeline generates in the specified output directory (outdir
all_scores.csv: Contains detailed performance metrics (e.g., mse, rmse, pcc, scc, r2) for each study comparison.
met: The prediction performance metric name (e.g., r2).
split: Intigers indicating the data splits (e.g., 0, 1, etc.).
value: The calculated metric value for that split.
src and trg: The source and target dataset names (e.g., CCLE, GDSCv2, gCSI), indicating comparisons within or across datasets.
densed_csa_table.csv: This file provides a summary of the mean and standard deviation for each metric, categorized into within and cross analyses. The within summary statistic is calculated as the mean of values along the diagonal of the CSA results table, representing performance within the same dataset. The cross summary statistic, on the other hand, is calculated as the mean of values on the off-diagonal, capturing performance across different datasets.
met: The metric name.
mean: The mean value of the metric for within-dataset or cross-dataset.
std: The standard deviation of the metric, representing variability across studies.
summary: Either “within” (comparisons within the same dataset) or “cross” (comparisons across different datasets).
<metric>_scores.csv: Files containing detailed prediction performance scores for each metric for different datasets.
<metric>_mean_csa_table.csv: Files containing the mean of prediction performance scores for a specific metric across all studies.
<metric>_std_csa_table.csv: Files containing the standard deviation of prediction performance scores for a specific metric across all studies.