Creating Model-Specific Parameters

Model-specific parameters should be defined as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary is a parameter with the following attributes: name, type, default, and help. Other attributes that are compatible with argparse can also be specified, see argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument() for more information. Defining a parameter with the same name as an existing IMPROVE or application-specific parameter is not allowed.

my_params_example = [
        # name of the argument
        "name": "y_data_files",
        # type of the argument
        "type": str,
        # number of arguments that should be consumed
        "nargs": "+",
        # help message
        "help": "List of files that contain the y (prediction variable) data.",
        # name of the argument
        "name": "supplement",
        # type of the argument
        "type": str,
        # number of arguments that should be consumed
        "nargs": 2,
        # name of the argument in usage messages
        "metavar": ("FILE", "TYPE"),
        # action to be taken when this argument is encountered
        "action": "append",
        # default value of the argument
        "default": [ ('a' , 'b')],
        "help": "Supplemental data tuple FILE and TYPE. FILE is in INPUT_DIR.",   # help message

For clarity, we recommend putting model-specific parameter definitions in a separate file and importing the list to each model script (i.e. preprocess, train, infer). You can put all model-specific parameters in a single list, or in separate lists for preprocess, train, and infer. This list is passed to initalize_parameters in the main() as additional_definitions.

For example, in you can have:

preprocess_params = [
        "name": "scaling_type",
        "type": str,
        "default": "StandardScaler",
        "help": "Type of scikitlearn scaling to use.",
train_params = [
        "name": "model_arch",
        "default": "GINConvNet",
        "choices": ["GINConvNet", "GATNet", "GAT_GCN", "GCNNet"],
        "type": str,
        "help": "Model architecture to run."}
infer_params = [
        "name": "print_time",
        "type": str2bool,
        "default": "False",
        "help": "Whether to print the time or not.",

The appropriate list can then be imported into the appropriate script. For example, in we would add the following:

from mymodel_param_definitions import mymodel_preprocess_params

Then this list of parameter definitions is passed to cfg.initialize_parameters in main():

params = cfg.initialize_parameters(