Hyper Parameter Optimization (HPO) with DeepHyper

An overview of hyperparameter optimization can be found here. DeepHyper [1] uses Bayesian Optimization with parallel procesing to determine optimal hyperparameters using the validation loss.

Run HPO using DeepHyper with conda

The DeepHyper HPO workflow uses two different conda environments. The DeepHyper environment is used to run the entire workflow, and the model-specific environment is used during each subprocess

1. Install conda environment for the curated model

Install model, IMPROVE, and datasets:

git clone https://github.com/JDACS4C-IMPROVE/<MODEL>
cd <MODEL>
source setup_improve.sh

Install model environment (get the name of the yml file from model repo readme): The workflow will need to know the ./<MODEL_ENV_NAME>/.

conda env create -f <MODEL_ENV>.yml -p ./<MODEL_ENV_NAME>/

2. Perform preprocessing

Run the preprocess script. The workflow will need to know the <PATH/TO/PREPROCESSED/DATA>.

cd PathDSP
conda activate ./<MODEL_ENV_NAME>/
python <MODEL_NAME>_preprocess_improve.py --input_dir ./csa_data/raw_data --output_dir <PATH/TO/PREPROCESSED/DATA>
conda deactivate

3. Install conda environment for DeepHyper

module load openmpi
conda create -n dh python=3.9 -y
conda activate dh
conda install gxx_linux-64 gcc_linux-64
pip install "deephyper[default]"
pip install mpi4py


If openmpi is installed on your system, you may not need the line module load openmpi. The module may have another name on your system (e.g. openmpi/4.1.4/CUDA-11.4/gcc-8.5.0 on NIH’s Biowulf).

4. Modify configuration file

hpo_deephyper_params.ini is an example configuration file for this workflow. You will need to change the following parameters for your model:

  • model_scripts_dir should be set to the path to the model directory containing the model scripts (from step 1).

  • input_dir should be set to the location of the preprocessed data (above). We highly recommend that the name of this directory includes the source and split (e.g. ./ml_data/CCLE-CCLE/split_0). You can provide a complete or relative path, or the name of the directory if it is in model_scripts_dir.

  • model_name should be set to your model name (this should have the same capitalization pattern as your model scripts, e.g. deepttc for deepttc_preprocess_improve.py, etc).

  • model_environment should be set to the location of the model environment (from step 1). You can provide a complete or relative path, or the name of the directory if it is in model_scripts_dir.

  • output_dir should be set to path you would like the output to be saved to. We highly recommend that the name of this directory includes the source and split (e.g. ./deephyper/CCLE/split_0)

  • epochs should be set to the maximum number of epochs to train for.

  • max_evals should be set to the maximum number of evaluations to check for before launching additional training runs.

  • interactive_session should be set to True to run on Lambda. Other implementations have not yet been tested.

  • hyperparameter_file can be set to an alternate .json file containing hyperparameters. You can provide a complete or relative path, or the name of the directory if it is in model_scripts_dir. See below (step 5) for how to change hyperparameters.

  • num_gpus_per_node is set to 2 by default, but can be changed if you have more GPUs per node.

5. Modify hyperparameters file

The file hpo_deephyper_hyperparameters.json contains dictionaries for the hyperparameters.

The default settings are as follows:













You can add more hyperparameters to test by adding additional dictionaries to this list. An example of an alternate hyperparameters file is hpo_deephyper_hyperparameters_alternate.json. Insure that the name is a valid parameter for the model you are using. Categorical hyperparameters can be added as follows:

"name": "early_stopping",
"type": "categorical",
"choices": [true, false],
"default": false

Note that boolean values must be lowercase in JSON files.

6. Perform HPO

Navigate to the DeepHyper directory

cd <WORKING_DIR>/IMPROVE/workflows/deephyper_hpo

If necesssary (i.e not proceeding directly from above steps), activate environment:

module load openmpi
conda activate dh
export PYTHONPATH=../../../IMPROVE

Run HPO:

mpirun -np 10 python hpo_deephyper_subprocess.py

To run HPO with a different config file:

mpirun -np 10 python hpo_deephyper_subprocess.py --config <ALTERNATE_CONFIG_FILE>

Running large scale jobs with DeepHyper HPO workflow

Example job script for Argonne’s Polaris

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l select=2:system=polaris
#PBS -l place=scatter
#PBS -l walltime=0:30:00
#PBS -q debug
#PBS -l filesystems=home:grand:eagle

module use /soft/modulefiles
module load nvhpc-mixed craype-accel-nvidia80
module load conda
conda activate


# MPI example w/ 4 MPI ranks per node spread evenly across cores


export PYTHONPATH=/lus/eagle/your/path/to/IMPROVE/

mpirun -n ${NTOTRANKS} --ppn ${NRANKS_PER_NODE} --depth=${NDEPTH} --cpu-bind depth --env OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} python hpo_deephyper_subprocess.py

Example job script for NIH’s Biowulf


1. P. Balaprakash et al. “DeepHyper: Asynchronous Hyperparameter Search for Deep Neural Networks”, IEEE, 2018