Drug Response Prediction Models

The IMPROVE project has curated a number of Drug Response Prediction (DRP) models. Model curation involves selecting a subset of community models and then modifying their software scripts to conform to a unified code structure.

Model Selection

We previously compiled a compendium of papers that utilized DL methods for DRP [1]. As of December 2023, this collection comprised more than 90 models. Considering the size of this collection, we selected a subset of models to work on based on qualitative and hands-on selection criteria.

Qualitative selection criteria:

  • Models providing open-source code with: 1) comprehensive installation instructions of the computational environment, 2) data preprocessing scripts that take feature and response data and transform them into model input data, 3) scripts which execute model training.

  • Deep learning models implemented in TensorFlow/Keras or PyTorch.

  • Focus on pan-cancer multi-drug models utilizing cancer and drug representations as input features.

  • Preference for models utilizing conventional features and predicting continuous treatment response in cell lines (e.g., AUC, IC50).

  • End-to-end learning models, excluding those requiring feature pre-training or utilizing transfer learning.

  • Preference for recent peer-reviewed publications.

Hands-on selection criteria:

  • Successful installation of the computational environment

  • Execution of preprocessing scripts to generating model-input data

  • Reproducibility of key results as reported in the respective papers

Model Standardization

Once the models met the selection criteria and were assessed for reproducibility, we proceeded with standardizing the model code structure. The standardization process is executed as follows:

  • Establishing reference prediction performance using the original model (e.g., r-square)

  • Restructuring the code into distinct preprocessing, training, and inference scripts following the IMPROVE guidelines

  • Verifying that the restructured code reproduces the reference performance

  • Run small-scale cross-study analysis (a simple python script)

  • Conducting a small-scale cross-study analysis (using a simple Python script)

  • Running IMPROVE library test scripts

Further guidelines and details regarding code restructuring while leveraging the IMPROVE library are discussed in the Tutorial.

Curated Models

Currently, we utilized 9 models for the cross-study analysis. We forked the original repositories and conducted the model selection and standardization procedures as discussed above.


1. A. Partin et al. “Deep learning methods for drug response prediction in cancer: Predominant and emerging trends”, Frontiers in Medicine, Section Prediction Oncology, 2023